
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tambour embriodery work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tambour embriodery work - Essay Example The origins of tambour work are traced to the 18th Century where it grew into a favourite pastime for women. Being a new form of embroidery, the technique was preferred due to it being an exotic form of stitchery (Embroiderersguildwa.org, 2014). The finest attires stitched through this technique were traded all over Europe from Britain to France and in Asiatic countries such as India and Persia. In Turkey and India, tambour embroiderers used metal threads to stitch their fabric. Turkey, specifically, used tambour work to make covers used in ceremonial household events, as it was a status symbol (Embroiderersguildwa.org, 2014). The Indians of Peru, on the other hand, developed their work without the use of a frame; also known as coarse chain embroidery. The popularity of tambour work grew in leaps and bounds because of the Napoleonic wars. These wars made it difficult for people to obtain fashionable French laces and they had to settle for tambour laces. It was further adopted in Britain after an Italian established his tambour embroidery shop in Edinburgh (Thetextileblog, 2014). Its popularity grew further after the invention of a machine that would manufacture tambour fabric on a larger scale. There was massive production of ‘sprigged muslin’ and other tambour

Monday, October 28, 2019

Do Large Business Have an Affect on Small Business Essay Example for Free

Do Large Business Have an Affect on Small Business Essay Considering the normative statement that both large and small businesses should follow the same ethical and moral standards, this paper analyzes the perceptions of individuals based on the relative ethical behavior of small business as compared to large business. The study of ethics focuses on the differences between what is right and what is wrong in society which affects both small business and large business due to their obligation to the public and their stakeholders. Both entities are guided by the same standards and both are expected to meet all legal regulations and ethical standards. The analysis employs surveys to gauge the public’s perceptions of the ethical decision making by management in both small business and large business. The survey also analyzes the role of those ethical decisions within scenarios and their impact on the individuals’ patron behavior in small business as compared to large business. Statistical analysis has been utilized to test the authors’ overall hypothesis that the public is generally less concerned about ethical decision making of small business relative to large business. The implications of these findings for both large and small businesses are provided with the analysis and suggestions to correct the disparity between both entities. Introduction During the past decades it has been evident that ethics has become the hot topic in business. However, much of the talk is not comprised of all types of business it involves primarily the large corporations. Large corporations such as Enron have caused much grief to those around them and everyone that they employed. Due to this reason regulations such as the Sarbanes- Oxley Act have been enforced to hold large businesses accountable. While these regulations have focused solely on large corporations, efforts to regulate small businesses have been small. It is estimated that small businesses make up over 80% of all business in the United States of America. That is a huge sector which is unregulated due to its size. While the adverse actions of each entity do not do great harm to the economy; the cumulative damage of all components of the group could have devastating impacts on the general economy. Literature Review Businesses today are completely different than the businesses of years past. Today, business ethics has become an area of great concern in both corporate culture and academia. Companies such as WorldCom and Enron have caused people to reevaluate philosophy and business. Ethics can be defined by the morals that people and companies hold. Although internal and external forces influence businesses, there are three issues that affect issues in business. These three issues are systematic, corporate, and individual. To truly understand each factor one has to understand how each of these issues differs and how they influence the business itself. Systematic issues analyze ethical values in economic, political, legal, and other social systems in which the business operates (Velasquez, 2006). An example of this would be a question of morality about the current laws pertaining to accounting systems. Laws influence the actions of people because they stem through consequences with the local or federal government. People tend to be scared of a higher authority more than self punishment. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 Winter 2010 293 The second factor is corporate issues which are issues of morality of internal activities such as policies, practices, and organizational structure (Velasquez, 2006). Corporate issues are based on corporate cultures. If a company treasures capital gains more than human capital the company would then lay off employees to save money. On the other hand, a company that treasures its employees is more likely to take a cut and keep their employees. To say that one company is more ethical because of their decision lays in a company’s moral standards. The idea of moral standards stems from the third type of issue which is the individual issues. Individual issues are issues that are based on individuals within a company along with their behaviors and decisions (Velasquez, 2006). This includes the moral standards of individuals. Moral standards are standards that are set by the individuals themselves and by no other governing body. Hence, each individual has a right to stand for what they believe in. It may be simple to take these three factors and state that this is common sense information; however, it is just as complicated to say that there can be one rule that can apply to every situation that is similar. In cases where individual morals differ from those of corporate or systematic, it is easy to assume that one would no longer pay attention to their place of business or the entity that is different. However, humans are prone to being victims of society and need to supply for their family. Knowing that something unethical is occurring at a place of business does not mean that the person will just walk away whether they have worked in small or large firms. Decisions of a business affect all tiers of the organizational structure which in turn affect the lives of all stakeholders of the company. Therefore, ethical standards have risen due to the current corruption in many large businesses. News reports of Nike and Merck have grabbed the attention for case studies and have become the top selling stories. The news ran the stories that exposed the fragile nature of the corporate worked to their affect on the country’s economy. Due to the global impact of large corporations the public’s eye is primarily on large businesses; however, ethical issues arise in small businesses as well. Lisa Miller states that small businesses â€Å"were overlooked when Wall Street’s mega-scams and scandal came to light (Miller, 2003). For people that analyze and teach ethics â€Å"business ethics have almost invariably concerned the doing, indeed generally the misdoings, of large companies (Quinn, 1997).† Quinn noted that in the late 20th century there has been an increase in the economic activity of small businesses (Quinn, 1997). He states that not only do the managers have to be observed so do the employees. The employees have want approval of their peers which is also accepted by the manager/owner (Quinn, 1997). In large businesses it seems easier to separate you personal ethics from businesses ethics. In small businesses the relationship with one’s coworkers becomes a sub-family relationship making it that much harder to make â€Å"ethical† decision. The overall factors that influence business ethics derive from personal ethics and how those ethics affect others. Miller points out that it is an assumption that small businesses do not need a code of ethics however, they have a bigger temptation to b involved in â€Å"dubious business practices (Miller, 2003). 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 Winter 2010 294 In Mark Schwartz essay A Code of Ethics for Corporate Code of Ethics, Schwartz finds that over ninety percent of large corporations have a code of ethics (Schwartz, 2002). He concluded that there a six universal moral standards in four different sources. The moral standards that he looked at included trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship (Schwartz, 2002). Due to these criteria Schwartz states that a code of ethics should be constructed on factors that could be audited. His study provides a normative foundation for evaluating a corporation’s code of ethics. In a 1981 an article by Brown and King analyzed the influences and perceptions of small business ethics. In their foundational work Brown and King realized the disparity in public awareness between small business ethics and large business ethics. Brown and King surveyed a small group of individuals consisting of â€Å"small business† respondents and â€Å"other† respondents who were mostly employed by large corporations. Brown and King’s research sought to answer three questions. First, the research asked â€Å"How high are the ethics of small business people perceived to be?† Second, â€Å"Compared to others, what causes the behavior of people in small business to be more or less ethical?† Finally, â€Å"What are the prevailing small business attitudes concerning ethical issues?† (Brown and King, 1981). Brown and King found that there was a surprisingly small difference in the responses between the two subgroups of respondents. The research conducted by Brown and King examined the perspectives of those in the various sized business. The research left a gap in the general public’s perceptions of the ethical actions between large and small business. The Center for Business Ethics surveyed Fortune 1000 industrial and service companies to see how they have instilled their ethical values to compare their results from the study they performed in the mid 1980s. Their survey showed some progress but, not enough (Center for Business Ethics, 1992). Ethical standards fall in line with legal regulations. Sandra Malach, et al. believe that incorporating legal planning into business planning to avoid legal issues and to protect the businesses most important assets (Malach, Sandra et al, 2006). While legal action is important it is important to focus on consequences in a workplace outside o f the any punishments. To further analyze ethical dilemmas it is important to observe the consequences at a workplace. One consequence that business can apply is a zero tolerance policy in a workplace. This ethical dilemma is especially interesting when applied in a small business setting, and contrasted with techniques applied in large corporations. The ethical compass of the theory for the zero tolerance policy is Kant’s Categorical Imperative. Kant’s Categorical Imperative is defined by the rule that people should â€Å"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end (Stanford, n.d.).† Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a very restrictive rule to live by and cannot practically be applied to everyday life. However, when discussing ethical dilemmas in the workplace, the Categorical Imperative should not be overlooked. The Zero Tolerance Policy embodies the Categorical Imperative in the sense that everyone must ask himself/herself whether they would be willing to have the same behavior applied to them if the roles were reversed. In the business setting the Categorical Imperative has a special value; it helps mitigate moral hazard. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 Winter 2010 295 Moral hazard was once described as â€Å"a situation in which a party is insulated from the consequences of its actions†¦Thus protected, it has no incentive to behave differently (Ahrens,2008).† In the business setting, moral hazard can be devastating to the culture of the company and can eat away at the profit margin. Consider an employee who is discovered to be â€Å"moonlighting† or working an untaxed second job during hours in which the employee should be giving full attention to their actual job. This behavior may seem harmless and may only warrant a verbal warning, but when the other employees discover how easy it is to get by with unethical behavior they are incentivized to act unethically. This slippery slope scenario results only in the necessary termination of the unethical employee. When an employer establishes that unethical behavior will not be tolerated the result is the strengthening of the corporate culture and the avoidance moral hazard. However, this scenario might work differently in a small business. In a small business the cost of a zero tolerance policy can be devastating. The costs associated with replacing an employee in a large corporation is easily spread across the entire entity as a fixed cost of doing business; this is not the case in the small business. The employer-employee relationship in the small business, by nature, is more flexible and more personal. This flexibility can allow for a more informal agreement, between management and employees, to be made. Finding a â€Å"win-win† solution allows for Kant’s Categorical Imperative to be upheld and moral hazard can be avoided. In a large publically traded company this kind of arrangement cannot be made because not all of those who are residual claimants (owners) can be spoken for. In the large publically owned company the zero tolerance policy should be followed, but in a small privately owned company a modified zero tolerance policy can be applied. Kant’s Categorical Imperative can be a useful tool when designing corporate policy in publically traded companies. The zero tolerance policy should be applied in publically traded companies. In addition, Kant’s Categorical Imperative should still be applied to design a modified zero tolerance policy in small private companies. To solve the issue of what the zero tolerance policy entails, the company needs to implement a code of ethics in their organization. Eberhard Schnebel and Margo A. Bienert state that a code of ethics strengthens an organizations success therefore improving the overall value of the company (Schnebel Bienrt, 2004). The value that is added is the public’s perception that the business is there to benefit the community. L. Spence studied a similar phenomenon as this essay explores. In a 1999 study L. Spence found that there is a lack of information on any correlation between small businesses and their ethical standards. The reason for this is because small firms receive little attention by the media which makes them a quick oversight (Spence, 1999). Four years later L. Spence wrote an editorial with R. Rutherfoord to explore the sociological perspective in the field of ethics (Spence Rutherfoord, 2003). Due to these two studies we have been motivated to explore the issue further and gain insight on why there is a lack of information on the issue. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 Winter 2010 296 Hypotheses As discussed earlier, the objective of this pilot study was to examine the differences in respondents’ perceptions of ethical dilemmas and ethical standards in small business as compared to large business. In order to facilitate the primary research objective the following working hypotheses were formed: H1: The size of the business will have no impact on consumers’ shopping decisions when ethical dilemmas are present. H2: The size of the business will have no impact on the actions of employees when ethical dilemmas are present. H3: The size of the business will have no impact on the respondents’ perception of the incentives associated with acting ethically. H4: In general, respondents believe that small businesses should be held to the same ethical standards as large corporations. These hypotheses are based on the supposition that individuals will be more lenient or forgiving of the shortcomings of small businesses relative to their large counterparts. Methodology The study was initiated with the creation of a preliminary (alpha) survey. The alpha survey resulted in fourteen respondents and was conducted by means of convenience sampling. The alpha survey was a paper based survey consisting of thirteen questions. The survey included demographic questions as well as analysis questions. There were mixed results on the alpha survey mostly due to the confusing survey design associated with strict time constraints. While the alpha survey did not provide sufficient data, it was useful as a tool in the creation of a secondary (beta) survey. The beta survey instrument consisted of two separate surveys. One survey was specific to small business while the other was specific to large business. The surveys were created and distributed electronically using Survey Monkey. The goal for the beta survey was a total of 100 respondents for each survey resulting in an overall total of 200 respondents. The small business survey yielded 105 useable returns, a 94.6 percent return rate. The large business survey yielded 107 useable returns, an 84.3 percent return rate. Each survey included five common demographic questions, two common questions pertaining to ethics, and eight questions relating specifically to either small business or large business. The survey was distributed broadly across various social networking sites and throughout the Christopher Newport University community. Due to time and budgetary constraints the beta survey consisted mostly of opportunity sampling and snowball sampling. The authors recognize the drawback of an opportunity sample; however, the research question in this pilot study can be adequately answered using this technique. The analysis questions on both the small business and large business surveys consisted entirely of binomial data. The respondents were limited to either â€Å"Yes or No† or â€Å"I agree or I disagree.† For the purpose of testing the hypotheses (H1, H2, and H3) statistical analysis will be used to measure the difference between the proportions of the two samples. For the final hypothesis (H4) the analysis will simply state the overall proportion of respondents in both surveys who answered favorably and interpret the results. Hypotheses H1, H2, and H3 will be tested at ÃŽ ±=.10, ÃŽ ±=.05, and ÃŽ ±=.01 levels of significance.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Heathrow Terminal-5

Heathrow Terminal-5 Heathrow Terminal-5 Case Study Executive Summary: Heathrow airport has been in operation since 1946 and is the UKs largest airport and the worlds busiest international airport, carrying over 60 million passengers and 1.3 million tons of cargo each year. Terminal 5 when constructed will be able to handle 30 million passengers per year, taking Heathrows total number of passengers to around 90 million. Heathrow Terminal 5 is the most multifaceted construction projects in Europe with good procurement and Supply Chain Management strategies in place. It is a multidisciplinary project consisting of civil, mechanical, electrical systems, communications and technology contractors over the entire phase of the project. The project is aimed at making Heathrow maintain its competitive position within Europe, retain its passenger capacity and also increase it by 30% over the next 10 years; this project when carried out will make Heathrow one the worlds busiest airport and a major source of income for the UK economy. It is estimated that the project will cost  £4.2B and have a payback period of 8 years. Since construction projects are prone to risks related to Environmental, legal and Supply Chain issues, the main aim is to maintain a synergistic relationship amongst all the stakeholders of the project with an effective communication strategy in place and to hire external consultants having expertise related to environmental (material risk, waste management, air quality, dust, noise and others) and legal aspects of the project. This helps in a smooth flow of the project coping with Environmental and legal standards set by the UK (Europe). This also favours in preserving the interests of local communities during the construction of this Terminal (Execution Phase). Some of the main multifarious challenges which are involved in the project phases would be: * Exhaustive Planning activities * Earthworks (Archaeology) * State of the Art design of the infrastructure (Buildings) * Twin river diversion * Rail and Road infrastructure projects. The main elements under T5 project includes construction of the Main Terminal building, two Satellite Terminals, Aircraft stands, an Air Traffic Control Tower, connections to Public Transport, Road works, Rails and Tunnels. The success of this project also depends on the lessons learnt from the following two stages: * Lessons learnt prior to this project from other major construction projects * Lessons learnt during the execution (construction) stage of the project. Therefore the project should be focussed on the first point than the second one and strive towards having minimal lessons learnt during the execution stage of the project. The main aim is to complete this project on time, within budget and with exceeding expectations of the quality from the customer. 1. Introduction: BAA is the worlds leading International airport group, responsible for managing the multifaceted Airport environment including safety and security, operation of air bridges, runways, environmental issues, shops and commercial facilities, airport systems which includes IT, information/ help desks and others. It owns, develop and manage 9 International Airports in total including Budapest (Hungary) and Naples (Italy). BAA serves more than 150 million passengers at its seven UK airports, including the worlds busiest international airport, Heathrow. It is involved with management contracts/ stakes in ten airports outside the UK and also has got retail management contracts at two Airports in the USA. BAA established airport privatisation and retailing, and is recognised for its efficient airport operations. BAAs achievements have been emphasized by its sustained effort towards managing environment and other impacts of aviation. It is also successful in maintaining a synergistic relationship amongst customers, employees and business partners in an efficient way. It constantly benchmarks itself against the demanding prolific standards of corporate roles and responsibilities. 1.1 Project Rationale: As Project Rationale describes about the basic reason for the accomplishment of the project, the major issues which Heathrow airport is facing are the escalation in the number of passengers and this is causing an increase in the congestion at the current terminals of Heathrow, due to increase in congestion it is difficult to provide the world class customer support/services effectively to the passengers and the airlines. An increasing global competition from other International Airports in the European region like inParis,AmsterdamandGermany proposed a threat to Heathrows revenues and position in aviation industry. There is a need to accommodate bigger planes like Airbus A380 and the effective air traffic monitoring system with the help of new Air traffic control tower. The above factor generates a need to expand the Heathrow airport for British Airport Authority (BAA) in the form of a new terminal named â€Å"TERMINAL-5†. 2. Definition British Airport Authority is one among the leading airport operator in the aviation industry, to provide the best customer service was one among the objective. To know the required improvement at Heathrow Feedbacks were collected by conducting a survey among the 70,000 passenger a year. The need of spectacular Heathrow Terminal-5 is to accommodate the increment of passengers without any congestion, better customer service and infrastructure (Modes of transportation to be developed for both Rail and Road, Sixty new aircraft stands which can adapt advanced and future aircraft like A380, Air traffic control tower to monitor it). 2.1 Scope The Scope of the project is to provide the best customer service and quality to the passengers at Heathrow by creation of state of art new terminal building which help toaccommodate30million passengers equipped with the modern modes of transportation without any congestion. Also to provide very good infrastructure facilities to the airlines operating from Heathrow by building sixty new aircraft stands and a state to art control tower (87m high air control tower) with all modern technologies. Scope Inclusion: *Main Terminal building *Two satellite building *87m high Air Control Tower *Sixty Aircraft Stands *Multi Storey car park *Twin river diversion *Road infrastructures *Rail infrastructures Scope exclusion:  ·Construction of a Runway at the Terminal  ·Maintenance of the Terminal after handing over to BAA 2.2 Objectives †¢ To Increase the capacity of passengers flying per year by 30 million. †¢ To construct a Terminal-5 building, inherits all modern facilities while meeting the Environmental standards. †¢ To construct sixty new aircraft stands inclusive of stands designed for the most advanced aircrafts like Airbus A380. †¢ To develop the Rail infrastructure by extension of Heathrow express, London underground Piccadilly Line and creating six platform Rail station. †¢ To construct a state of the art Control Tower, designed to meet the demands of Air traffic control at Heathrow in the future. †¢ To improve the road infrastructure, new spur road to the M25 linking the terminal to the national road network. †¢ To divert the two rivers around the airport by incorporating many ecological enhancements. 2.3 Deliverables †¢ Environmental friendly terminal-5 building with better quality and services. †¢ Sixty aircraft stands which can adopt most advanced aircrafts and runway connections †¢ Passenger capacity enhancement. †¢ Modern Air Traffic Control tower, new rail station and links to the central London with Heathrow express and Piccadilly line extension. †¢ The new spur road links to M25 motorway and its widening to reduce the traffic congestion. 3 Summary The concept of sustainability is one among the major considerations which is been identified and addressed for the proposed Heathrow Terminal-5. If any issue with respect to sustainability, the designed and approved sustainable frame work as to be applied at regular intervals. This is the proactive approach applied for sustainable issue. To overcome the communication T5 agreement Considerations * Sustainability of the Project in terms of environmental, social and economic factors. * Meeting the airline company Requirements and Standards, British Airways being the only airline operating from the Terminal at initial stages * Risk factors involved in the project (Economical, Political, Social, Environmental). * The effect of the T5 Project on the operations of the other terminals. 3.1 Assumptions * Terminal 5 has the potential to become a major Surface Access interchange or substitution by providing an important role in the South East transportation system of U.K. * Resource availability throughout the Life cycle of the Project. * Its assumed the derived T5 agreement will effectively work between BAA and suppliers, team work can be effectively achieved. 3.2 Constraints * The estimated Cost of the project may increase because of the macro economical factors like exchange rate, cost of the materials and workforce. * Estimated Schedule of the project can increase due to intense public enquiries and the political influence. * To meet the environmental standards and compensating the local residents plus the effect on the other four terminals. * The competition from the other contemporary rivals like Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris and * Frankfurt airport and Schiphol airport of Amsterdam. 4 Business Case A business case is required form of document, supporting an argument for a proposal of the desired Project like (Project Rationale, Scope, Objective, Deliverables, Assumptions, Considerations and Constraints, Financial Analysis, Critical Success factor, Option Appraisal). The business case is used as decision making tool for the Proposed project, whether the Project is feasible or not â€Å"Go/No-Go decisions†. Also acts as an approval document for the proposed Project. Please find the proposed business case for Heathrow Terminal-5 in the Appendix: 5 Project Structure The need of a Project Structure is to define standards to the team, which will be used during the Project life cycle. The standards include Communication, Documentation, Change control Procedure. Project structure includes both Organization structure and management structure. Traditional tree structure approach is implemented for Heathrow Terminal-5, find the organization breakdown structure in the Appendix 123245 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities Title Role Board of Director: Responsibilities †¢ Ensure the companies prosperity and Keeps the organizations mission, values, and vision. †¢ Deals with challenges and issues with regard to Corporate Governance, Corporate social responsibilities and corporate ethics. †¢ Reviews and approves the annual budget, Program plans and organizational policies. †¢ Attend monthly board and committee meetings, Annual General Meeting. †¢ Ensure the adequate resources (Financial, Expertise, Technology) are available to the organization. Title Role Chief Operating Officer: Responsibilities †¢ Managing day to day activities of the Organization and Operations Management ( HR, Admn, Finance and Purchase). †¢ Strategic Decisions maker, Ensures the ideas of the Team are understood, Implemented, Monitored, coordinated and Managed throughout the life cycle Title Role Project Head: Responsibilities †¢ Since its a mega project, the coordination Title Role Programme Manager: Responsibilities †¢ Overall management and co-ordination of the projects. †¢ Contributing to strategy, policy and procedure. †¢ Management of supplier/contractual relationships. †¢ Budgetary control of the projects. †¢ Monitoring of issues and responding at the programme level. Title Role Project Manager: Responsibilities †¢ Recruiting skill full Employees, Identifying the stakeholders, expertise as per the Project requirement. †¢ Managing the Stakeholders, Project deliverables, Develop and maintaining detailed Project Planning, leading the project team. †¢ Handling (Resolving, Escalating) the Project issues if encountered any during the Project life cycle, Updating to the action log as part of Lessons Learnt. †¢ Ensure the Scope of the project is achieved, if any variation order occurs proper planning to be done to overcome it. †¢ Monitoring the project progress and performance, Status report to the Stakeholders in the form of Newsletter/Email/PPT †¢ Make sure milestones and deliverables to be achieved as per schedule. †¢ Inputs from all the stakeholders to be considered and implement it when required record it. †¢ Defines the Project structure for the organization. †¢ Should encapsulate the roles of Contractors, Cost controllers, Schedulers, Risk manager, Operations and Control as an when required during the Project life cycle Title Role Project Leader: Responsibilities †¢ Act as Team leader Title Role Project Team Members: Responsibilities †¢ Level of participation as designed by Project Leader †¢ Executing Tasks and Deliverables Responsibility matrix for Heathrow Terminal in the Appendix 5.2 Methodology To communicate effectively with better understanding of the project among the Stakeholders, Project managers, Project team members there shall be standard procedures to be followed in a Project management context. The proposed standard form for Heathrow Terminal-5 â€Å"Association of Project Management†, which is been agreed and approved by the stakeholders for successfully achieving the Project. For example â€Å"The tools and techniques required for the respective phases† To have Heathrow Terminal-5 to be delivered successfully, British Airport Authority had come up with the introduction of T5 Agreement which is based on the commitment and involvement of both BAA and Stakeholders in achieving the deliverables while overcoming the occurrence of risk. By this agreement the BAA concentrates on the below:  § Focus on the managing the cause of problem not the effects from them.  § Work in integrated team irrespective of their different organizations.  § Focus on proactively managing the risk instead of avoiding the litigation. Effective agreement for HT-5 was achieved by using the Contract type â€Å" NEC3† 5.3 Control To overcome the uncertainty in a Project, flow of information should be addressed among the team members and respective authorities for controlling and monitoring. Find the proposed structure for Heathrow Terminal-5, Organization Breakdown structure, Work Breakdown Structure, Project Hierarchy structure, Gantt Chart in the appendix 1234456. Minutes of meeting played an vital role to monitor if any issues occurred. 5.4 Communication According to Lock (2007) the compliment of good management communications is the provision of adequate feedback paths through and across the organization. These will facilitate cooperation and coordination. Communication can also be defined as transfer of valid information from an entity to another, Purpose of a communication plan is to transfer of required information to the audience, associated with respect to those issue/updates/scenarios. Find the below communication flow among the Project team members for Heathrow Terminal-5, also find communication plan for find in the appendix Communication Plan: An effective communication strategy as to be plotted by project manager to have a better understanding and coordination among the team members and good Communication strategy plays a vital role among the Team members/Stakeholders/Customers/Clients. The purpose of communication plan is to overcome the communication breakdown among the project team members and also helps in monitoring the Progress and Difficulties of the Project. Hence the need of communication plan for Heathrow terminal-5 was determined on the basis of the activitys occurring and a definite completion of the task during the respective phases. The derived communication plan for Heathrow Termina-5 was structured on the basis of the below activities: Phase Who Type Purpose How When Whom Deliverables Phase: Indicates in which phase the meeting is going to occur. Who: who is going to conduct the meeting? Type: Indicates the subject of the meeting. Purpose: Indicates the topics to be discussed. How: Mode of medium used for the meeting. When: How frequently would the team members meet? Whom: who are the participants involved during the meet? Deliverables: The outcome during the discussion for that meeting. Please find the communication Plan in the appendix 12345 6 Risk Management Risk management is the act or practice of dealing with risk. It includesplanningfor risk,identifyingrisks,analyzingrisks, developingrisk responsestrategies, andmonitoring and controlling risks to determine how they have changed ( Kerzner 2009) The objective of risk management is to identify the potential problems which may occur during the project life cycle, so that risk can be Controlled and Monitored throughout the Project life cycle. Risk management is a constant process which as to be carried out throughout the project life cycle and its conducted in the planning phase. The combination of below process constitutes risk management: * Risk Identification * Risk assessment * Risk Mitigation Risk Identification: This process involves in identifying potential risk which affects the project, its further classified into Internal and External risk which affect the project in achieving the scope. Internal risks are the uncertainty which occurs by the organization or within the organization like communication and resources; these can be controlled and monitored by the project manager. External risks are the uncertainty which affects the organization/project by the external factors like environmental and downfall in the economy; these risks are uncontrollable by the organization which impacts the Scope. Keeping the above factors for Heathrow terminal-5 the below are identified and classified as Risk Assessment: They are requested to evaluate the magnitude of risk factors and influencing factors that appear in the risk mode, also assist in classifying the risk. Considering these the risk assessment is done for Heathrow Terminal-5:  § Adverse Publicity: Awareness of the Project to both the customers and stakeholders.  § Economic: Funding Issue throughout the Project Life Cycle, Uncertainty of the market (eg: Market Fluctuation, Inflation), Insufficient revenues to repay the debts after the Project Completion.  § Environmental: Diversion of two rivers round the west of the airport incorporating many ecological enhancements( eg: Water Quality), Failure to compliance the standards for environmental act (Misunderstanding of process and pathways of the environment), Failure to meet the standard of air quality which defined before the execution of the project, Failure to meet the standards defines in â€Å"Control of Pollution Act Section 61 agreement†, Improper waste management will increase the estimated budget( eg: use of recycled product)  § Local Community: Making sure the social activity of the people surrounding the construction site will not affect (eg: transportation, Traffic)  § Political: Failure to compliance the policies of the government (will affect the progress of Project), Change in Government could lead to change in foreign policies and affect the project  § Procurement: Delay of the services/materials from the Suppliers. Breaching the contract terms and conditions, due to illegal activity from Suppliers (Eg: Information leakage)  § Technology: Failure of techniques/technologies used in the project ( Eg: IT System, Design, Data Management)  § Airport Security: HT-5 being developed on such a large scale, proactive measures to be taken if any form of threat like Terrorist attack.  § Corporate Governance: Failure of align in meeting the interests of individuals and corporations. Failure to meet the relationship between the participants (chief executive officer, management, shareholders, employees) of the project in determining the direction and performance of project.  § Communication Plan: Delivering the required information to authorized people, also make sure there is no breakdown of communication between the two interface  § Contractual: Updation of the latest clauses if any during the review meetings, poorly written/executed contracts there is a risk to the organizations assets, property and reputation. Unauthorized employees signing the contracts, due to non-compliance of contract by suppliers and other contractors. Approving the contracts that are unfavourable to the organization, creating and/or signing contracts without advice/review by legal counsel. Misplacing the approved contracts, having inefficient and inconsistent contract policies and process across the organization. Confidentiality to be maintained by the respective authorities who manage the contract  § Resources: Ensuring proper flow of cash from the stakeholders throughout the life cycle, Risk of migration of skilful, resourceful, expertise employee of company to competitive organization, improper usage of limited resources by unskilled employee.  § Schedule: Risk of overrun of the budget due to improper scheduling, Risk of Schedule Slip. This can cause a change in scope of project.  § Cultural: Risk of differences in opinion. This leads to difficulty in negotiation between supplier and client, Risk of differences in business ethics leads to difficulty in decision making.  § Design: Risk of overseeing the specification, assumptions and requirement of the product during starting phase of design, Risk of including the extra cost due to complex design.  § Organizational Issues: Any issues with organization impact the progress and decrease in efficiency towards the project. Risk of losing the formed trust and good will from the client point, due to the organisational issues within the company. Risk Mitigation: The purpose of risk mitigation is to specify the criticality and priority of risk, what are the effects of the risks, occurrence of the risks and impact of the risk to the organization/people/environment. Acts as tool to Control the risks, like action taken towards a particular risk by choosing the appropriate â€Å"Avoid, Accept and Mitigate†, also provides that who is responsible for resolving the occurrence of the risk. A systematic reduction approach is being used for identifying the occurrence and/or exposure to a risk.On the above approach the Risk Mitigation has been plotted for Heathrow terminal-5, please find it in the Appendix 1234 Risk Matrix: The purpose of risk matrix is to determine the level of risk (High, Medium and Low), resulting provides information to both Stakeholders/Organization to concentrate and mitigate the identified risk. The rating for the below is derived on the occurrence of â€Å"probability and impact†. A contingency plan is also derived to mitigate the risk, below is the proposed Probability-Impact matrix for Heathrow Terminal-5: IMPACT RATING 4,5 3 1,2 HIGH MEDIUM LOW 4,5 HIGH Schedule, Communication Plan PROBABILITY 3 MEDIUM Economic Procurement Environmental Resources Organizational Issues, Airport Security 1,2 LOW Contractual Legal Issues, Technology, Corporate Governance Design Political, Cultural, Adverse Publicity 7 Work breakdown Structure As per PMBOK 3rd Edition work breakdown structure is defined as A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. The Purpose of Work breakdown structure in Heathrow Terminal-5, firstly it helps the project manager accurately in defining and organise the scope of the Project. This can be obtained by following the traditional method â€Å"Hierarchical tree structure†. At each level of tree structure breaks the Project deliverables and objectives to more specific and measurable packages/work packages. Secondly it helps in assigning roles and responsibilities, resource allocation to the Project. Also helps in monitoring and controlling the project throughout the Life Cycle, it helps in estimating the cost, schedule and risk involved in the project for each work packages. Finally, make sure that the deliverables are specific has per the stakeholders and helps in identifying whether the deliverables are repetitive and overlapping. Please find the proposed work breakdown structure of Heathrow Terminal-5 which mainly focuses on Execution phase with a budget of  £3120 million and  £300 millio n Kept apart for the contingency which may occur during the Execution Phase, please find the Work Breakdown structure in the Appendix 1.23 7.1 Gantt chart: The founder of Gantt chart â€Å"Henry Lawrence Gantt† used this tool to show the actual schedule and progress of the project was invented on 1920s and used on large projects from 1931. Gantt chart key feature is that it focuses on Systematic approach rather than algorithm approach, Gantt chart is most effective form of graphical representation hence for Heathrow Trminal-5 such an tool helps you out in sorting your. Gantt charts provide quick and easily understood means for describing the project activities, while network activities can also be determined like Critical Path and PERT. The activities/task may be listed in order of entry of Start date, Finish date, duration and Slack and appropriate to their graphical bars we can find the Start, Finish, duration and slack as well. Gantt chart are also used as project status report, it helps in the project manager in gathering the information have the deliverables met as per the baseline plan. The baseline plan includes both sched ule and resources, whether project is schedule overrun, resource allocation and budget status. The purpose of Gantt chart for Heathrow Terminal-5 is to provide a visibility of estimated schedule and project status for the assigned deliverables/tasks throughout the project life cycle. Also find the derived Gantt chart for execution phase by the team in the appendix 1.24, which includes Critical path method and Milestones. Critical Path Method: Critical path can be defined as the chain of events whose flat is equal up to zero, those events which occur in this path are critical to the successful achievement of the project within its earliest possible time. The activities lying on the critical path must to be given Priority by the management and supply resources if required. Heathrow Terminal-5-Landside civil- Site preparation-Pipelines for heat and power- Structure-Shops and commercial facilities- Safety and security-Testing of runways and building-Landscaping Mile stones: As per Dobie (2007), project must be divided into measurable a package, that is actions which will contribute to the achievement of objectives. The project phase as combined related project activities to achieve a logical outcome like major deliverables; these deliverables form the milestone throughout the lifecycle. Milestones are essential tools frequently used by project manager to control the progress of the project and manage the scope of the project. Also compare the actual costs and progress experienced with the costs and progress planned. The identified four major Milestones for Heathrow terminal-5 during the scheduling of execution phase Ø Milestone 1: Completion of landside civil process. Ø Milestone 2: Completion of Terminal 5 building. Ø Milestone 3: Completion of Airfield and runway. Ø Milestone 4: Completion of Rail and Road Infrastructure and Testing and Land scrapping phase. The deliverables identified in the Gantt chart are for Execution phase as below: 1) Landslide civil process 2) Terminal-5 building 3) Airfield and Runway 4) Air traffic Control tower 5) Rail Infrastructure 6) Road Infrastructure 7) Testing and landscaping 8) Site and logistics The detailed descriptions of the deliverables are as follows: Task Deliverables Targets Controls Dependency Schedule (Days) Resources Authorities 1 Landside civil Site preparation, Pipelines for heat and power stations, Twin river diversion (Construction of two channels, Maundering flow pattern, Maintaining eco balance) Piles method, Water quality, Waste Management 377 Programme manager, Project Manager, Site Engineer, Consultants, Designers, Manager, Team leaders, Labourers Programme Manager 2 Terminal-5 Building a) Exteriors (Structure, Bus station, Taxi Stands, Drop Off, Multi story car park) b) Interiors (Shop and Commercial Facilities, Elevators and Escalators, Conveyor belt for Handling baggage, Safety and Security, Tracked transit system) c) Satellite building, Energy centre and hotels Waste management and use of advance technology 1 853 Programme manager, Project manager, Architects, Software developers, Manager, Team leaders, Labourers Programme Manager 3 Airfields and runway 60 aircraft stands, Runway and earthworks Air Quality, Noise reduction 1

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Plan to Invest in Real Estate Despite the Recession Essay -- Real Es

The Great Recession has shuffled the deck of playing cards. Seasoned investors and first-time home buyers alike have been hit – and hit hard. The challenging and volatile real estate market has created a flood of distressed asset sales all across the nation. However, the flipside to the coin of disaster and distress is almost always opportunity. Now that I have acquired $150,000 in cash to purchase distressed real estate, my detailed strategy below outlines exactly how I will personally benefit, and perhaps more importantly, how the community I invest in will benefit. First I will outline the basics: what I would buy with the cash (distressed apartments), where I would buy (San Jose, CA), how I would buy (my investment strategy) and why I would buy (a personal profit analysis). Then, I will outline my plan to pay it forward – to translate my newfound experience to help other first-time investors safely and knowledgably purchase their own distressed assets. I will add value to the community through a three-pronged approach of live seminars, online outreach, and a mentorship program. PERSONAL BENEFIT What to Buy: Distressed Apartments To properly understand how I would invest the $150,000 for personal profit and community benefit, we must first understand what I would buy. While there are a plethora of distressed real estate assets on the market, from single family homes to multi-tenant retail centers, I believe the most feasible and simplest starting place for a first-time investor is residential apartments, one to four units. For most people, buying a home and renting it out, or buying a fourplex and renting it out is not as farfetched as buying the local distressed strip mall. One to four unit rentals are not only easy... ... of 20.34%. However, the community will be the real winner as I implement my three-pronged community contribution campaign of Live Seminars, Online Outreach, and a Mentorship Program. My plan will create a strong momentum of first time investors purchasing distressed assets and repairing the deferred maintenance. This grassroots movement will focus on repairing distressed assets and safe investment practices. It will create new demand for distressed assets, reversing the downward spiral of prices for such assets. It will also prevent future distressed asset meltdowns by teaching safe investing practices. Works Cited Nadji, Hessam. "2011 Apartment Research Market Report for San Jose Metro Area." Diss. Marcus and Millichap, 2011. Print. Nadji, Hessam. "2011 Real Estate Investment Research National Apartment Report." Diss. Marcus and Millichap, 2011. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History of Vietnamese Essay

According to research findings, the history of Vietnam can be traced back to four thousand years. It is evident that this nation was under the rule of China between the periods 111BC to the beginning of the tenth century. This nation is known to have gained sovereignty early years of the 10th century. During the Yuan Dynasty, this nation repelled three invasions by Mongols. A look at the history of Vietnam shows that the independent period was cut short by France. This is when France decided to colonize Vietnam. When there was the World War II, the French were expelled by Imperial Japan. It is worth noting that this nation however, decided to retain the French administrators. When the war ended French tried to re-colonize Vietnam but failed because of the tight measures that were present at that time. (Nguy? n, 1999) Chinese dominated Vietnam during the period between 111BC and 938 AD. In 111BC, the Chinese invaded a region in Vietnam called Nanyue and literary established territories therein. During this period, the Chinese had some posts in the Vietnamese government. These posts included top officials and governors posts. The Vietnamese also managed some hightlands. These Vietnamese that had these management posts at that time were nobles. With time the Chinese dynasties decided to eliminate the Vietnamese nobles and their powers. Many elites in Vietnamese were coerced to assimilate the politics and the culture of the Chinese. The French colonized Vietnam till the 19th century. In the year 1784, there was a French priest who sailed to Vietnam to seek for some assistance. This assistance was in line with military backing. There was the brokering of the Little Treaty of Versailles that saw the promise of the aid that the priest requested for. Later on there was the breaking of the French revolution and therefore the Pigneaux plan did not succeed. In the year 1799, there was the capturing of Saigon. There was Dynasty of Nguyen in the year 1802. This dynasty tolerated Catholicism. It is worth noting that he employed some of the Europeans as advisors in the courts. The successors of this man (Nguyen), did not embrace westernization as expected during this time. They were very conservative instead. In the year 1858, the French gunships attacked the Da Nang port. During this time much damage was done on the property in this dam. In the year 1867, the French troops expanded their overall control. This was up to six provinces. Then there was the formation of the French Colony. Later on many French troops invaded Vietnam. Between the year 1884 to the year 1885, France assumed total control of Vietnam. This was after the Chinese- Franco War. There was the formation of French Indochina. (Fitzgerald, 1972) French colonialism was bitterly opposed by many Vietnamese. This was because the French literary took over the leadership powers in this nation. First of all there was the formation of policies that greatly affected the Vietnamese people negatively. There was so much oppression on the Vietnamese people. The policies included that the Vietnamese citizens could not hold most of the top positions or jobs in the government. Very few Vietnamese citizens that were employed were lowly paid and this issue made the Vietnamese to bitterly oppose the French colonialism. (Fitzgerald, 1972) Another reason is that there was direct discrimination of the Vietnamese citizens in many areas. This was in terms of education health and also housing sector. There was very minimal education for the Vietnamese people. There were schools that the Vietnamese were not allowed to attend but were just reserved for the French children or citizens. This actually denied the Vietnamese access to good education. In the health sector, the Vietnamese were not allowed to attend the good hospitals in Vietnam. It is only the French that easily accessed these essential facilities. In fact research reveals that health provision for the Vietnamese was non existent. This discrimination was extended even up to the residential sector. There were estates that were just reserved for the French people. The Vietnamese could not access this essential facility. This actually greatly annoyed the Vietnamese citizens. (Nguyen, 1885) Another thing that greatly annoyed the Vietnamese till they decided to oppose the French colonialism was the execution of Vietnam citizens. There was the massacre of leaders of various nationalist groups in Vietnam. These were especially those that tried to oppose the French colonialism. During the period when French colonized Vietnam, there was so much exploitation and oppression of the Vietnamese citizens. In fact all the rights of the Vietnamese were totally removed when French took over the control of this nation. The French government in Vietnam made no attempts to better the lives of Vietnamese. There was so much degradation of the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese women were forced to be prostitutes so that they could provide the French male administrators with entertainment. Colonialists just lived a gracious and carefree lifestyle as the Vietnamese suffered. This factor made Vietnamese to bitterly oppose French colonialism. In relation to this there were so many movements that were formed against French colonialism. The only group of people that did not oppose the French colonialism was the nobles in Vietnam. This is because they were given some of the prestigious posts in the administration sector. The Vietnamese nobles were actually respected by the French colonialists. They were given some rights like in the education and the health sector. This made them not to feel the oppression that was carried out on the rest of the Vietnamese citizens. They actually shared so much with the French colonialists. The other reason as to why they never opposed the French colonialists was because they feared to lose their prestigious jobs. They were so used to the good lifestyle and therefore never wanted to lead the life that the rest of the Vietnamese led. This is because all the other citizens in Vietnam were greatly oppressed by the colonialist government. There was also the fear of execution in case the colonialists found out about there opposition. For these reasons the nobles in Vietnam never opposed the French colonialists. (Nguyen, 1885) There were also the communist Viet Minh that collaborated with the French. One of the communist called Ho signed an agreement to allow the French to continue to rule in Vietnam. The communists said that they just love French and that the French people were heroes. Research shows that there were so many arguments for and against Vietnamese independence in 1945. One of the arguments by scholars against the independence of Vietnam is very clear. The scholars argued that Vietnam was not ready for independence due to various reasons. One of the reasons was that because of the colonization, the Vietnamese citizens were not so much learned. They had been marginalized by the French colonialists. This meant that they did not have the necessary leadership skills to rule the Vietnam government. This is considering that the colonialists took quite a long time in this nation. That for over eighty years these Vietnamese citizens had gotten used to being led and every policy done for the. So the argument was that these citizens were not very educated to take up this noble responsibility. The few noble citizens that were given a chance to work in the government did not have enough experience. This made people to argue that Vietnamese could not have independence at that time. It wad argued that the lack of skilled personnel that could lead this nation could lead to the down fall of the overall economy of these nation. (Fitzgerald, 1972) . Still other arguments that were against were that the noble officials in this nation were the only ones that stood a high chance of leading this nation. Considering that they had been working hand in hand with the colonialists, there were high chances that the new government would carry forward previous policies and leadership skills that would be no different from the French colonialists. There was the strong fear of dictatorship in this nation. This is just what happened when Vietnam gained independence in the year 1945. (Nguy? n, 1999) The arguments for Vietnamese independence were that these people had suffered a great deal in the hands of French colonialists and therefore it was a high time that they led a good life. This was a high chance of a life devoid of oppression and where every person was equal with equal rights to the services and amenities in the nation. Conclusion Vietnam was colonized by both the China and French colonies. Chinese dominated Vietnam during the period between 111BC and 938 AD. Between the year 1884 to the year 1885, France assumed total control of Vietnam. This was after the Chinese- Franco War. Many Vietnamese bitterly opposed French colonialism because of the oppression that they witnessed. They were denied access to essential amenities and services. These included education and health. In the year 1945, the nobles and communists never opposed French because of fear and also because they were enjoying some favors from the French colonial government. This included access to some jobs in the government among other. Various arguments for and against Vietnamese independence existed in the year 1945.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

15 Hilarious Things People Have Put on Their Resume

15 Hilarious Things People Have Put on Their Resume Here at TheJobNetwork, we have scoured every nook and cranny  of the internet and have compiled a list of epic proportions. Here are the top 15 most hilarious  things people have put on their resume. Most people take their resumes seriously, but not these guys. First thing first, if you are serious about making a great resume, make sure to download our resume samples for your specific job title.1.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"None of my references really like me, so please don’t believe what they say.†2.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I came up with the idea for Windows.†3. â€Å"I’ll introduce you to my wife if you hire me.†4. â€Å"I am proficient in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and all related search engines.†5.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’m a level 90 Shamanistic natural healer.†6.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"I quit  being a  porn actor and took a job at a gas station. They fired me because of ‘job performance issues.’ Right before the tank was full I’d pull the nozzle ou t and spray gas all over the car’s headlights.†7.   Werk Xperince: â€Å"i werked at da keyfuuud az da best bhag boiii†8.   Leadership Skills: â€Å"World of Warcraft Guild Leader9.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain.†Ã‚  Answer:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes. Arson.  He deserved it. Will discuss in interview.†10. â€Å"List your most notable accomplishments.† Answer: â€Å"I learned how to store crumbs in the flaps of my fat for safe-keeping.†11. Skills: â€Å"I’m a BOSS at working.†12. Talents: â€Å"I am adored by my entire village. All of the villagers want me to marry their daughters.†13. Special skills: â€Å"I have destroyed the president of Nicaragua in tennis.†14. Languages: â€Å"I can speak Klingon.†15.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"This isn’t my real contact information. I need to conceal my identity because I am being followed. If you need to contact me, flip a coin into the sunlight and look north. I will be there.†If you don’t want to end up looking like anyone above, make sure to go over to our resume library to download a resume template for your desired job title.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Identify the major reasons causing the light pollution Essays

Identify the major reasons causing the light pollution Essays Identify the major reasons causing the light pollution Paper Identify the major reasons causing the light pollution Paper Identify the major reasons causing the light pollution in urban areas. Examine the methods to control excessive usage of external lighting. BY aakk1234991 Light pollution is an issue that affects the livability of a city. Although it is not always considered as a serious environmental concern, it Is an issue that has serious impact on the environment, ecology and society. Outdoor lighting Is designed with a purpose. External lighting Is considered as functional lighting. However, over-11th outdoor lamps including traffic lamps and advertisement spotlights have led to 377 implants to various government departments in 2009 (Imaging, 2010). The problem of light pollution have arouse much concerns. Are there any government policies that regulate the lighting at night and protect the dark sky of Hong Kong? This paper argues the main causes of light pollution as well as evaluating current polices on restricting unnecessary lighting In the city. To begin with, the term light pollution must be defined first. According to the International Dark-sky Association (IDA), light pollution is defined as any adverse effect of artificial light including sky low, glare, light trespass, light clutter, decreased visibility at night, and energy waste (IDA, 2010). Urban sky glow is defined as the brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas (IDA, 2009). Light trespass is defined as light falling to places where it is not Intended, wanted or needed (IDA, 2009). Clutter is the bright, confusing and excessive groups of light sources commonly found In over-11th urban cycles (IDA, 2009). The combined effects of sky glow, light trespass and clutter leads to light pollution in the city. There are 2 main objectives of outdoor lighting. The first objective is to revive visibility (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). Traffic light and headlights on motor vehicles are essential to provide a certain amount of visible distance for the drivers to drive safely. Headlights are designed such that the maximum amount of luminous flux Is parallel to the road. However, there Is always light escaped from the designed direction and reach the outer part of the road. As a result, observers standing beside the road can receive a considerable amount of unwanted light (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). The huge amount of traffic on roads therefore is a great cause for eight pollution. The second purpose of outdoor lighting is to decorate the city at night (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). Commercial activity at night must come along with a well lit environment. People are attracted by high-quality outdoor lighting on the streets to go shopping and leisure activities at night, Neon lights, outdoor advertisements and spotlights are the characteristics of the night view of Hong Kong. A Symphony of Lights organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board since 2004 is a synchronized laser and light multimedia display which has attracted millions of rigorists (Tourism Commission, 2005). Tourists are also attracted to see the charming view of the Victoria Harbor at night. However, the charming night view of the Harbor has become the cover story of an International astronomy magazine, being an commercial activities at night are another reason for light pollution. Observations for astronomy objects are very difficult to make as a consequence of light pollution. Lighting of industrial sites, airports, building sites, road and street lighting, advertising signs, floodlighting of buildings, lighting of sports facilities may interfere tit astronomical observations (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). A phenomenon called sky glow is the reason for dimmed astronomy objects. The upward light from poorly designed lamps are scattered and reflected downwards by aerosols in the atmosphere, reducing the details of the night sky (Motion 2002). Stargazing activities are therefore seriously affected by sky glow as many of the twinkle stars are covered up by the bright night. Wasted lighting is costly to the environment. The greenhouse gases produced and fossil fuel consumed on lighting is notable. Although street lighting consumed only 0. % in overall electricity consumption in 2009 (Census and Statistics Department, 2008), the overall effect cannot be neglected. Road lamps in Hong Kong are automatic. When the environment reach a certain darkness level. However, the lamps will not be turned off if there is no body nearby. They are kept on for the whole night even though they are not in use. Advertisement boards waste even more energy. A non-government organization Friends of the Earth launc hed a Ridiculous Lightings Vote in 2008. Spotlight outside the Windsor House was elected as the most ridiculous lighting by more than 600 citizens. The luminance level was 10,000 lug, which was 20 times brighter than a normal office (FOE, 2008). High-rise buildings in Hong Kong always use spotlights and LED to make their appearance sharper at night. One can see the advertisement display on the wall of Hopeless Center in Hawaiian across the Harbor. Even worst is that these highly laminated advertisement boards remain bright the whole night long. Another environmental group, Green Sense, conducted a study in 2007 to examine the number of neon lights, advertisement boards and spotlights that are still operating in major roads in Mongo Kook and This Shah Thus at 2300. The study revealed that a total of 1330 spotlights were used for 120 advertisement boards. 91 neon lights were still operating even though the shop concerned was closed (Green Sense, 2007). This kind of decorative lightings are obviously a kind of wastage. Light pollution has a significant impact on individuals health. Human beings are adapted too light/dark regime of 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness depending on latitude and season (as cited in Ashram, 2009, p. 23). According to Ashram (2009), The primary unction of the human circadian rhythm, as set by the internal clock and outside visual reference, is the release of hormones that help to regulate varying bodily functions in response to the internal perception of time (p. 25). Light pollution is a form of annoyance. According to the World Health Organization, annoyance is described as follows, Annoyance is a feeling of displeasure associated with any agent or condition believed to affect adversely an individual or a group (as cited in Marinara Schroeder, 2004, p. 79). Friends of the Earth (HOOK) discovered that more Han 1900 street lamps are mounted on the wall of buildings. These lamps are too close to the residents and cause nuisance to them (FOE, 2009). They are like a kind of free bedside light turned on for the whole night with a strong intensity. A local resident, Mr.. Fond, described, The floodlight here switches off after 1200. The light is floodlight. In order to have good rest, I have to put up three layers of curtain (Sing Tao Ltd, 2007). It is obvious that this kind of wall lamps may cause annoyance to the residents. Nevertheless, the impact on health caused by light pollution is significant ND cannot be neglected. To be frank, there is no single department dealing with light pollution currently. Even worst is that there is no laws and guidelines regulating the problem of over-lit outdoor lamps. The former Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dry Sarah Lila replied to a question raised in a Legislative Council meeting in 2007 as follow: Light nuisance that may result from advertisement light boxes on the external face of buildings for the purpose of advertisement is not subject to control under the existing environmental legislations E light intensity of these facilities and whether they cause nuisance to nearby residents falls outside the current scope of control. (HUSSAR Government, 2007) The government cannot control any of the measures that directly lead to light pollution such as light intensity, direction of the luminous flux and angle of operation. Secretary for Transport an d Housing, Ms Eva Change, expressed that the government would consider the feasibility of legislation to regulate external lighting in the view point of energy wastage in a meeting in the Legislative Council in 2009 (HUSSAR Government, 2009). This suggests that the government would only consider the perspective on energy wastage but not the impact of light pollution on individuals and the ecosystem. As there is no measures that deal with light pollution, what methods can be used to regulate unnecessary external lighting? Light pollution cannot be alleviated solely by private initiative since it is not a problem that directly threatens the health of the general public. Legislation, therefore, is the only way to deal with the problem (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). In some Europe countries like the Czech Republic, Belgium and Spain, legislation have been made concerning light pollution. In other parts of the world, various guidelines and regulations have been adopted (Olivarez del Castillo et al. , 2003). Zoning and hour of restriction (curfew time) are the 2 parameters that are generally used to control light pollution (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). Zoning is a method dividing areas into zones. One of the methods is dividing the city into environment sub-zones (Marinara Schroeder, 2004). Different standards of restrictions are imposed in different areas. The city would be beautified by a decent environmental zoning scheme. An effective environmental zoning scheme also discourages unwanted light and alleviates light pollution (Aka, 2008). Hour of restriction (curfew time) is a method restricting the operating time of outdoor lightings. The major consideration of setting hour of restriction is to ensure a better resting environment at night. In order to identify the appropriate time for restricting outdoor lightings, working and rest hour are the 2 major considerations. As for the case in Hong Kong, 1 1 pm would be a suitable time. However, switching off outdoor advertisement light boxes may decrease incentives for entertainment at night and even mislead others that the shop is closed. Nevertheless, curfew time would be an effective way of alleviating light pollution (Aka, 2008). To conclude, It can be seen that light pollution causes serious destruction to the society and the environment. Lack of regulations is the main reason that leads to brightened night sky. By taking suitable The aim of achieving sustainable usage of energy and utility can be met. After implementing suitable measures to regulate light pollution, the city would be a more livable place to live in.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oil and Gas Prices

Oil and Gas Prices Introduction In the recent past, there has always been news or reports on the rising gas and oil prices. In the recent past, prices have risen from a little over a dollar per gallon to at least $3.47 per gallon. This is according to Forbes (2008), a congressman of the Virginia fourth congressional district.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Oil and Gas Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There have been reports that this trend would continue for some time even to a price of 30 more cents per gallon. These increases in prices have been an issue since they have been straining most of the families’ budgets. Forbes says that he has been receiving emails and letters from his constituents regarding the issue seeking to know why the prices are rising at that rate. If this situation continues for a while, it could have much effect on the world’s economy as it would impact strongly on the families and business es as well. The following paper seeks to find out the effects of these fluctuating prices on the environment and the economy and the effects of going green with/without the oil and gas. According to Forbes (2008), the rising gas prices in the past couple of years could have been caused by several factors that have had individual pressure on the energy system. They either influence the price of crude oil or production and marketing of gasoline and the interaction of these in a single market affect the overall gas prices. Some of them include; crude oil prices – their prices are determined by the demand and supply in the world. The OPEC countries are the determining factors since they decide on what to produce and export. This means that the more they produce, the less the prices will be. However, due to the fact that oil is traded in the world market, whatever happens on the ground in these countries could greatly have an effect on the amount of oil produced at a particular ti me of the year. Some example of such events that have affected oil prices in the past include; the OPEC cartel decided to raise production quotas despite the fact that they had previously reduce them in the year 2002. The increasing population in china, India and developing worlds has seen most of the people in these countries have access to automobiles hence increasing the demand for gas and oil in these countries.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There have been disruptions in countries that produce a lot of oil like Nigeria and Venezuela. Another reason for the increased oil/gas prices is the refinery imbalances – the rising economic growth in the US has created some imbalances in the refining industries since the demand for gasoline is increasing daily and with the declining refining capacity, a lot of constraint has been put on the available oil forcing them to increase prices. Seasonal changes are another factor that has caused the fluctuating gasoline prices. This relates to the time of the year and in this case, gas prices are higher during summer and holiday seasons as many people in America are traveling and hence the demand is high. Forbes (2008) explains that not only crude oil production that impacts on the fluctuating prices rather there are factors such as environmental programs, competition in the local market and proximity of supply. In this case, people living in areas far from the Gulf Coast which is the area where gasoline is produced are likely to pay higher prices since the total price will cover the transportation expenses. Prices also vary according to the competition in a particular area. For instance, the rural areas might experience higher prices since there are not many stations offering such services and on the other hand, those areas with several stations will have fairer prices due to competition. Accordin g to Forbes (2008), the increasing prices have had impact in various sectors in the US. In farming, farmers use energy in processes like fertilization, and due to the increased prices in energy, they have been forced to cut down the amount of produce in a year. This in turn has increased the prices in the amount of food stuff and burden is left on the consumers. Reports by US department of Agriculture said that between 2000 and 2005, the fuel cost on farming rose by 10%. In manufacturing, manufacturers are also not left out as the increased cost on energy used to produce goods forces them to increase the prices of the goods produced and at times they are forced to lower their workers’ salaries. This in turn puts pressure on consumers and workers and strains the economy. The tourism department has also been affected since airlines and bus lines need fuel for them to be fully operational. Some families have been forced to cut short or reduce their travel due to the increased oi l prices and due to this, cities that highly depend on tourism have had heir economy affected. Other than the overall economic effect, individuals have also felt a pinch as they are forced to readjust their budgets to pay for the high prices (Forbes, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Oil and Gas Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many man-made machines that rely on oil and gas such as air crafts, motor vehicles and many other industrial machines for them to function. Much as they are useful, they also have some consequences that are experienced by both human beings and the environment at large. For instance, coal and oil have molecules that have byproducts of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur when they are burnt. Apart from this, they also produce some form of particles that do not burn and hence released to the environment and cause pollution (NaruralGas.org, 2004). The environmental issue that has be en on discussion currently, the green house effect, is due to the high levels of gases that are being emitted by these green houses. Naturally, there are gases in the environment that regulate the amount of heat that is emitted on the atmosphere. Researches show that increased emission of green house gases could lead to high temperatures on the earth surface and eventually have disastrous effects on the environment. Motor vehicle and aircraft emissions, paints and emissions from industries contribute to smog which is a product of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and heat from the sun. When these products combine, they form a smoggy layer on the environment and can also cause respiratory problems such as lung damages if inhaled by both human beings and animals. Chemicals such as sulfur and nitrogen dioxides react with water vapor to form acid rain which also pollutes the environment, damages crops and causes respiratory illnesses in human beings (NaruralGas.org, 2004). Apart from bei ng environmental pollutants, gas/oils have several benefits. For instance, natural gas is the cleanest fuel since its combustion process produces little byproducts that may pollute the environment. It does not leave any soot or odors and if inhaled in small amounts, it does not affect human beings. Natural gas is also economical since it is piped directly to the consumer and the system is not easily affected by weather changes hence enhancing safety. When using gas and oil, they are easy to transport hence quite efficient. Oil extraction, refining and selling has also created jobs for many people in the producing countries and also improved the economy of the country though exports. Going green is a term that has been in use currently referring to the methods in our daily lives that can be used to help save the environment. According to Save the World (2009), green living entails reduction in the use of oil based energy and using only organic and chemical free products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One can also decide to go green at home by applying healthy farming practices through the use of organic and chemical free farm products. It also means people trying to save water by always turning off taps after use and switching off lights when they are not needed. Some people are also trying to save the world by deciding to use bicycle or walk on foot for the short distances instead of using vehicles that use a lot of gas and oils while emitting harmful gases on the environment (Save the World, 2009). All these practices are aimed at saving the environment and creating a healthier earth and in turn reduce diseases and provide healthy individuals who will be involved in developing the world. However, this move does not come without its negative effects as well. McRae (n.d) argues that as much as we are trying to save the world by using organic products, it is quite clear that such products are quite expensive than traditional ones. This also applies to the hybrid vehicles and use of solar panels which seem to be quite expensive. In this world where all are not equal, not every one is in a position to purchases such products and this means that if they can’t afford the big changes; they may not be part of the change at all. Use of fluorescent bulbs is said to save energy as they last longer and use less energy. However, there is evidence that they contain mercury and if no properly disposed, they could contaminate soil or water. Therefore, they must be recycled and this means that one has to store the used bulbs until they are collected by people concerned (McRae, n.d). In conclusion the fluctuating oil and gas prices have had an impact on the economy ranging from tourism, manufacturing and farming. At the same time, use of these products in our daily live helps us a great deal as they speed up our operations in various operations. However, they also have negative impacts as they pollute the environment through emission of gases and particles and thus causing disease. This leads to use of a lot of money for treatment purpose and as such it means that unless we try to devise ways of reducing these effects, the little we get from our businesses will always be used to offset hospital bills. Going green is a strategy being adopted by many in the world to help save the planet by reducing the use of oil based energy and organic products. Much as it is a good way of conserving our environment, it has its own disadvantages which must be looked into such as the expenses which of course are not affordable to all. Reference List McRae, S. (n.d). Negative Effects of Going Green. Web. Save The World. (2009). Going Green: What Does Going Green Mean? Web. Forbes, R. J. (2008). FAQs: Gas Prices. Web. NaturalGas.org. (2004). Natural Gas and the Environment. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 6

Strategic Management - Assignment Example The company’s strategic goals should complement one’s objectives, and has to be a benchmark that the individual uses to analyse self-progress. The other important facet includes assessment of ones skills and check if they are sufficient to achieve the organisational aims (Stringham, 2012). Skill and professionalism are congruent aspects that must be used simultaneously to enable a person rise to the echelons of their occupation. Skill can be acquired through continuous practise and learning. Learning cuts across all the forces that ignite critical thinking and judgement, through exposure to different environments, and challenges. In the document, several facets contributing to personal and professional growth have been comprehensively elucidated. The strategic goals may include working for the organisation for a defined period then branch off to their private practise. There is need for proper roadmap and planning, in order, to realize the ultimate goal in the profession (Hill and Jones, 2012). Higher remuneration: One of the targets in career advancement is having a better paycheque. Increased remuneration comes from a steady increase in the performance at work, and through accumulated experience in the given role. The mentioned factors will enable one have a stronger bargaining power, and contributing to a rise in career level. Superior role and title: the most significant career goal is to be able to rise through the career ladder to the apex of the field of specialization. The target includes advancing in the organisation in terms of responsibilities and having a bigger title. The two points will also contribute to personal satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. Higher influence: during the progression through occupational ranks, one expects to develop more influence through the new positions acquired. The higher influence also signifies professional maturity, which further supports

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis of crimestoppers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of crimestoppers - Research Paper Example Crimestoppers is a national program that was begun on a local, regional and national level to fight crime.The program brings together law enforcement,private citizens,the media to find criminals.This program began when a detective in Albuquerque,NM became concerned about the many crimes that were unsolved and that the leads had gone cold. At the time, a young college student was killed and they could not find any other leads about this crime. He realized that there was someone in the community that could help solve the murder of this college student and he knew that people would come forward if they could do it anonymously, they would be paid for a lead that led to solving the crime and the media televised the first â€Å"Crime of the Week.† Within 72 hours, three men were arrested who had committed the killing of the college student and they realized this was a good idea; Crimestoppers officially began on September 8, 1976. To date, Crimestoppers has been showed to reach all corners of the world and they have a particular presence in â€Å"Nation/Regions of the United States, Canada, Caribbean and Latin America, Europe, Australia, and the South/Western Pacific† (Crimestoppers USA, par. 4). The Crime Triangle the Program Addresses Crimestoppers attempts to address all aspects of the crime triangle. They realize that someone in the community knows when a crime is committed and they know who has committed the crime. They will help law enforcement when they have three issues satisfied: Fear of reprisal An attitude of apathy Reluctance to get involved Crimestoppers is able to resolve these issues by providing each person with a code number that keeps their tip anonymous and by rewarding them with up to $1000 when they supply information that eventually leads to the arrest of the perpetrator (Crimestoppers USA, 2011). By resolving these issues and putting the program in place, law enforcement is able to resolve the three aspects of the triangle: They m ake the community more aware of the fact that there is someone who has committed a crime, they identify the individual that had the crime committed against them and they show how the opportunity was made to create the crime (Houston Police Department, n.d.). By doing so, the community becomes safer and people are more prone to let law enforcement know where an individual resides who has committed the crime in question. Analysis of Crime Stopper’s Success Crimestoppers states that they have â€Å"an average conviction rate of approximately 95% on cases solved by a tip to the program† (Crimestoppers USA, 2011, par. 8). This conviction rate is based on the national average. In order to understand their success more specifically, the information is found in a variety of programs. Hoffman (2010) suggests that the Houston branch of Crimestoppers is â€Å"the most effective unit in the nation† (par 1). The Houston branch generally receives about 2500 calls, 500 which a re good and those 500 lead to about 50 arrests. In this city people can be paid up to $5000 if their tip lead to an arrest. In 2009, this meant that â€Å"825 felons were prosecuted because of Crimestoppers.† (Hoffman, 2010, par. 6). According to Gordon-Gibson (2010) from 1976 to 2010, 829,603 arrests were made, 1,277,325 cases were cleared, US $2,006,059,318 in property was recovered and US $7,869,309,917 worth of drugs were seized. In 2011, these statistics have grown to 893,691 arrests being made worldwide, 1,358,830 cases cleared, $2,151,864,229 worth of property recovered and a total of $8,082,482,485 drugs seized. These statistics show that Crimestoppers has had success over many years in solving crimes with the help of the community and the media. (Crimestoppers International, 2011) Why Crimestoppers Works (Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Program) According to Gordon-Gibson (2010) there are several reasons why Crimestoppers works. Individuals who want to report crimes can do so anonymously so they are not put in the position of confronting the criminal.

Company law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Company law - Coursework Example creditor is provided with a way of protection on certain specified assets of the company and if subsequently there is default the creditor can sell the assets so as to cover up the debt that is owed to him. A fixed charge in a situation of liquidation or receivership ranks highest in the order of priority. The most common feature of a fixed charge is that it attaches to the asset which is relevant upon creation. Thus fixed assets which are to be kept by the company for the long run are best suited for the creation of a fixed charge. On the other hand a floating charge has been defined in Re Yorkshire Woolcombers Association1 as â€Å"A charge on a class of assets of company, present and future; which class is, in the ordinary course of the company’s business, changing from time to time; and until the holders enforce the charge the company may carry on business and deal with the assets charged†. Thus it can be seen from the definition that contrary to a fixed charge, a floating charge does not attach to the property unless the charge has crystallized. A floating charged can therefore be applicable to fixed as well as current assets that is if upon ‘the undertaking and assets’ a charge has been created. Crystallization of a floating charge can occur by various ways and one of them is the liquidation of the company. The identification of a fixed or floating charge is not easily made at times but it is pertinent to mention that if a receiver is appointed the preferential creditors of a company are paid first. (s.40 Insolvency Act 1986). The labeling of a charge is not in itself conclusive. (Street v. Mountford). Thus a charge is not fixed where there the asset that has been charged can be dealt with by the company. (R in Right of British Columbia v. Federal Business Development Bank). The priority of charges is important when different charges have been created over the same property, if the question of registration of a charge is kept aside then an equitable

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies Personal Statement - 1

Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies - Personal Statement Example I worked as teaching assistant from the middle of 2008 until King Saud University awarded me scholarship to pursue higher education through my master degree in the U.S. with a bachelor degree in Business Administrative in Quantitative Methods as a theoretical background. As I was reviewing the University of South Florida’s (USF) program for the Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies (MS EAT), I was impressed with the profile of consolidating â€Å"Entrepreneurship education and training into a single interdisciplinary program† (MS EAT, par. 2). My academic background has provided the impetus for a strong drive to learn entrepreneurial and leadership skills that would be enhanced through your course modules focusing on new venture formation, product development and the design and application of strategies to global organizations. I am keen on honing my analytical, decision-making, interpersonal, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, among others. The multidisciplinary approach offered by USF would provide the essential theoretical orientation to entrepreneurship, as well as relevant applications required in contemporary global organizations. It has been my profound desire to apply what I would learn in Saudi Arabia as an instrumental promoter of new enterprises and a proactive collaborator of entrepreneurial skills that would spur economic development and professionalism in this field of endeavor. It has always been a passion to delve into personal and professional growth, not only for one’s benefit, but more so to the organization and community where I would be an instrumental part of, and to the country that I envision to give honor as honor is

Law Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law Project - Essay Example Additionally, the law protects the employers from irresponsible employees (Gulf News. 2013). In this case, this research indents to find out the relationship between employee rights to be informed prior to being fired and the authority of employers to terminate employees’ responsibilities without notice. To analyze the situation of employer termination procedures, a case study on ABC v. XYZ (pseudo named as a classified case) in which the claimant, ABC, accuses the defendant, XYZ, to pay the periodical allowance (Small Claims Tribunal, 2012). This research makes use of article 61 and article 102(1-7), which deal with employee work termination. This research makes use of secondary data through the use of a case study. Case studies are accounts relating to a topic of interest about a specific entity. In this case, a case study is used in the analysis of recorded data regarding a real life situation. Since information is already published, a case study is considered a secondary source unless a live coverage through the use of primary data collection method, observation, is used. In order to access information relating to UAE labor law, the internet will be utilized since it provides relevant and recent information sources unlike print materials (Gulf News. 2013). The rationale of using the case study method in this case is to ensure that various other sources on the background of the case can be provided. In the analysis of legal data, this research makes use of FIRAC analysis method where facts, issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion are the legal analysis variables considered in this case. The nature of the data presented in the case study is in literature, descriptive format, and descriptive analysis is selected as the most appropriate method of analysis. The chosen case study to support the objectives of the research project include ABC v. XYZ case as well as two articles from the UAE

Prospect and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage Research Proposal

Prospect and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage - Research Proposal Example The research proposal "Prospect and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage" talks about the prospect and effectiveness of the use of web 2.0 tools in information literacy in education, workplace, and everyday contexts by carrying out a comparative study in Australia and other countries as digital information affects modern life aspects of people. This study is exceedingly beneficial because it will center on the effectiveness of web 2.0 tools in information literacy in education, workplace and everyday lives of the peoples in Australia and New Zealand. Digital information affects every modern life aspects of the people. This aims to develop guidelines ‘formalizing academic standard practices’ and reporting using web 2.0 forms of authoring or content creation like blogging, social bookmarking and podcasting. This study is intended to investigate the strategies and tools available to further develop the success of web 2.0 tools in the sectors of education, workforce and the society as a whole, specifically in Australia and New Zealand. Web 2.0 technologies provide teachers new ways to engage students in a meaningful way. Children raised on new media technologies are less patient with filling out work sheets and listening to lectures because they already participate on a global level through the internet. The use of web 2.0 technologies proves the fact that education is a constantly evolving process. Research methods will include literature review, experimental investigation, modeling, and data validation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies Personal Statement - 1

Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies - Personal Statement Example I worked as teaching assistant from the middle of 2008 until King Saud University awarded me scholarship to pursue higher education through my master degree in the U.S. with a bachelor degree in Business Administrative in Quantitative Methods as a theoretical background. As I was reviewing the University of South Florida’s (USF) program for the Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies (MS EAT), I was impressed with the profile of consolidating â€Å"Entrepreneurship education and training into a single interdisciplinary program† (MS EAT, par. 2). My academic background has provided the impetus for a strong drive to learn entrepreneurial and leadership skills that would be enhanced through your course modules focusing on new venture formation, product development and the design and application of strategies to global organizations. I am keen on honing my analytical, decision-making, interpersonal, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, among others. The multidisciplinary approach offered by USF would provide the essential theoretical orientation to entrepreneurship, as well as relevant applications required in contemporary global organizations. It has been my profound desire to apply what I would learn in Saudi Arabia as an instrumental promoter of new enterprises and a proactive collaborator of entrepreneurial skills that would spur economic development and professionalism in this field of endeavor. It has always been a passion to delve into personal and professional growth, not only for one’s benefit, but more so to the organization and community where I would be an instrumental part of, and to the country that I envision to give honor as honor is